We are trying some new stuff in an effort to build an amazing community of 35mm Half Frame Film photographers and camera enthusiasts including having a featured artist every month. This month we are featuring Dr. Thomas Uttich @sofort_bild on Instagram. His work really stood out a few weeks ago when he started submitting these really beautiful triptychs (more below). Enjoy :) Name Dr. Thomas Uttich Residence Eching am Ammersee Germany, Bavaria, 50km West from Munich Years Shooting Since I was 11, so by now for over 40 years Years Shooting Film I started with film due to my age. There was nothing digital around in the seventies, when my father, who was an ambitious amateur, taught me all about photography. We had a dark room in our basement were we did our own prints. I like to remember the hours in the dark room as the best time I spent with my father. At that time we had a pair of Pentax cameras, my father owned a K2 and I had a KX. During my time at the University I documented my experiments and results on film. I worked here with two professional lab assistances and got really deep inside in making silver prints. In 2002 I switched to digital when my two boys were born. I liked shooting a lot without additional cost and the fast availability of the digital pictures. Why Film? Because I want start again to think about each frame. I have tons of digital 'undeveloped' pictures on my harddisk and I want to spend more of my time on taking a single frame instead if of sorting digital pictures at the screen. The film process helps me slowing down and paying more attention to every frame. Why Halfframe? The 'forced' portrait mode brings me out of my comfort zone and makes my rethink my composition. What's your favorite Halfframe camera? What are your favorite films with halfframe? What's your favorite combo? I simply love the construction of the Pen F. A really masterpiece of engineering. I just started and used so far Kodak 200. What are you trying to do or show with your halfframe work? The beauty in the 'normal' things around me without heavy digital work. When you aren't shooting halfframe you are shooting... A Canon 5DsR and hopefully soon a Hasselblad 500. Anything else you'd like us to know about you? Where to follow you beside on IG, etc. The other thing, which fasinactes me with this community is the fresh view of the young japanese photographers showing their pictures here. My family lived from 2009 until 2011 in Tokyo. I am very excited to see the current Japan trough the eyes of young photographers with a technology from their grandparents.